Trying to use outside symlinks in a WordPress environment can be a headache.
If you are using VVV and want to create a symlink (for example, in order to have your plugins folder outside the Vagrant installation), the following is a way to do it.
Go to your ./Vagrantfile
and add the following code:
if vagrant_version >= "1.3.0" config.vm.synced_folder "/Users/path/to/your/plugins/folder/", "/srv/www/wordpress-one/wp-content/plugins", :owner => "www-data", :mount_options => [ "dmode=775", "fmode=774" ] else config.vm.synced_folder "/Users/path/to/your/plugins/folder/", "/srv/www/wordpress-one/wp-content/plugins", :owner => "www-data", :extra => 'dmode=775,fmode=774' end
- In the
you should use the param: config.vm.synced_folder - The first path should point to the folder where you want to keep your plugins
- The second path should point to the
folder that has the plugins
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